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Adding an entry form to an Exhibition.

There are two entry forms. They are seperate pages to the 'actual posted exhibition page'. Only two exhibition entries can run simultaneously.

Entry Form 1 or Entry Form 2

The Form can be manually linked to an 'actual posted exhibition page' via a link placed on the actual posted exhibition page. Eg. "ENTER NOW".




To alter a form and add it to an Exhibition do the following 4 steps

1. Change Entry Form main page details

  1. Go: Edit the page the form in on:  Entry Form 1 or Entry Form 2.
  2. Change Exhibition Name and current status in the main content.
  3. IMPORTANT Set page stop date: Go: Page Basics / Dates / Page Stop
  4. Make sure Rob, NZAFA has downloaded the previously exhibitions database and images.

2. Change Form module

  1. On the right hand side under the Add-on Modules menu, click onto Form.
  2. Use the 'Delete DB' button to to delete all entries. This will delete all entries and images from the secure_form_upload folder. 
  3. Change and update form Exhibition Name details. Appear 5 times in Form creation.
  4. Change or alter any field details in Current Form.
  5. Save Setting
  6. Thoroughly test the Form to make sure it is working correctly. 
    Please note, making changes to the form after it has gone live makes a mess of the database therefore it must be thoroughly tested.

3. Add link to your Exhibition Page

If not done previously, post a new exhibition page and add a link on that page to the form. Eg. "ENTER NOW".

Change Metadata / Page description to include "ENTRIES NOW OPEN"

Add to the right hand panel details. Add-on Modules menu, click onto Custome panel 1

Right-Hand Column

Active Panels:

4. Update 'Upcoming Exhibition' page main content image and links.


Any major changes to the actual form creation and field should be repeated on both forms.

When an Entry form Closes

The Entry form should automatically close if the Set page stop date has been previously set.

CHECK: Entry Form 1 or Entry Form 2:   Go: Page Basics / Dates / Page Stop

1. On the actual exhibition page:

  1. Remove the ENTER NOW link. 
  2. Update any info on that page main content.
  3. Update Metadata > Page description.

2. Update 'Upcoming Exhibition' page main content image and links.

3. Update  'RH_Upcoming Exhibition' page.



Managing a Database.

To change details or download uploaded files of form users.

  1. Go: Edit the page the form in on:  eg.  /Entry Form TEST
  2. On the right hand side under the Add-on Modules button, click onto Form.
  3. Use the 'Manage DB' button to alter your database.

Downloading a Database.

  1. Go: Edit the page the form in on:  /Entry Form TEST.
  2. On the right hand side under the Add-on Modules button, click onto Form.
  3. Use the 'Export DB' button to download your database. Gets downloaded as a csv file. 

Q&A about Exporting a Database

If you want to "export a database" in a form, does that delete the applicants or database? 


NO it won't delete them.

It is SAFE to export them which will create a CSV file from the database entries.

All it does is 'flag' them as exported so that you can compare them to a spreadsheet if someone is managing them externally.

Nothing is deleted and nothing is altered other than the 'exported' which will get a 1 AFTER the export.

Can you export them again?  YES
Can someone else export them again?  YES

For more detailed info on Database.

Accessing images from Artist Entry Exhibition form

  1. In the very top menu Go: Site Tools > File Manager
  2. Select the secure_form_upload folder
  3. Select the module_form_xxxxx folder
  4. Delete /rename or download images. An ID Entry Number is assigned to the image file at the beginning of the artist file image name. Plus some other numbers for data upload purposes.



Post a new Upcoming Exhibition


3 simple things before you start
  1. Create event/exhibition images/banners: 1400 (w) x 500(h)  @72dpi or of that same ratio.
  2. Create a signature image: 300 x 300px @72dpi or of that same ratio
  3. Have your page/exhibition heading, text and content ready to copy and paste from a word document.

Log-in to sites admin.

Post a Page - your new exhibition

Post and create a new exhibition automatically

1. On the Dashboard, in the left admin menu, select ‘Posting Pages’

See all types of pages where posts can be made.

2. Under 'Exhibitions'

To start your new exhibition post, click on ‘Create A New Event’ 

3. Complete the form

Make sure that you begin the body copy with the start and finishing dates of the new exhibition so that it will appear in the first para of the Index files. eg.  21 April – 21 May 2023

Take care in selecting up to 8 Categories – this assists wider exposure of the post.

Make sure you upload a suitable Signature Image. 300px x 300px @72dpi or of that same ratio.

4. Select Post Event

The live page will now show.

Edit your new exhibition page

Add images and format the page styles

Go ‘Dashboard’.
Under 5 Recently Edited Pages find you page. Select 'Edit this page' icon
or, go to Edit mode (top right peel-out).

Add an underline under the date for consistency throughout the site (go Custom Styles, select underline), upload more photos, add captions and links. 

Add a slideshow in Top or Extra Content. See how to make a slide show here 

Select the menu item ‘Metadata’  > Page Description to alter the intro on Index Listings (where your links are displayed).

Display information on the right hand side

Your new exhibition page right hand side

Go: Edit the page 'of your new exhibition'

Go Add-on Modules Under 'Available' select 'Custom Panel I'

Under Display Custom Panels

Main Content:

TICK Display custom panels in Main Content?

Available Panels:

TICK MC Promo Contact

Right-Hand Column:

TICK Display custom panels in the right-hand column?

Available Panels:

TICK  RH Current Exhibition

TICK_RH_Upcoming Exhibitions

Save Settings


Upcoming Exhibitions 
Update 'Custom Panel' on the right hand side Exhibitions

To add, edit or delete info

Find the 'RH_Upcoming Exhibitions' page

Go: Edit the page

  1. Add the name of the exhibition (Header 5)
  2. A brief intro (Paragraph style, use "Custom Styles" - "No padding" to remove a paragraph space below)
  3. A date (use "Custom Styles" - "Underline" to get rule underneath)
  4. Make a READ MORE Link and insert/edit link to the appropriate exhibition page if it is set up.
  5. Save page.


Broadcaste a new exhibition
to 'Upcoming Exhibitions' and 'Home pages'.

Go to the new exhibition page you want to broadcaste.

Under ‘Send Out

Select Your Created Rules

Under ACADEMY Website NZL


Select ACADEMY Exhibitions

Select ACADEMY Home Page

ACADEMY News & Stories

ACADEMY Past Exhibitions & Events


Select ACADEMY Upcoming Exhibitions


Current exhibitions

Change an upcoming exhibition to a 'current exhibition'

Update any new info in the main content of your new current exhibition page then change the info on the following pages... 

1. Update the 'Home' page


Go: Edit the page 'Home'

Go: Extra Content — update the Now Showing text  and date to the new current exhibition

Update the link to the new exhibition page.

Take care not to overwrite the formatting and video

2. Delete from 'Upcoming Exhibition' Page

Go to the exhibition page you want to change.

Under ‘Send Out

Select Your Created Rules

Delete this Rule ACADEMY Upcoming Exhibitions


3. Update 'RH Current Exhibition' Custom Panel/Right hand panel Exhibitions


Go: Edit the page 'RH Exhibitions'

Alter, add or delete text and images in Main Content.

This will also automatically update the CURRENT EXHIBITION on the Exhibitions page Main Content. 


Past exhibitions

Once an exhibition has expired

Assign a current exhibition to past exhibition

Go: Edit the page 'of the exhibition that has finished'

Go > Page Basics > Display Name: add in EXHIBITION 2024: to the beginning of the exhibition name.
Do not change the Page URL. Do not add in a Page stop date, delete if there is one.

Go Add-on Modules > Event or Exhibition > Change: Assign > to Index: Past Exhibitions

Update any new info in the main content of your expired exhibition page then change the info on the following pages...

1. Update the 'Home' page


Go: Edit the page 'Home'

Go: Extra Content — update the Now Showing text  and date to the new current exhibition

Update the link to the new exhibition page.

Take care not to overwrite the formatting and video

2. Update 'RH Current Exhibition' & 'Exhibition' page 

This has been set up as a 'Custom Panel/Right hand panel' and shows in various places throughout the site. Current Exhibition


Go: Edit the page 'RH Current Exhibition'

Alter, add or delete text and images in Main Content.

You can also replace the image with a simple slideshow of images. See how  

This will also automatically update the CURRENT EXHIBITION on the Exhibitions page Main Content. 




Change info on pages

  1. Go to the exhibition page you want to change. Edit Main content, Top, Botton and Extra content.
  2. Also check and change Metadata’  > Page Description
  3. If needed change the following pages:
    'Exhibitions' page main content
    'RH_Upcoming exhibitions' page main content
    'Upcoming exhibitions' page main content
    Home Page: Extra Content 
    Entry Form if module is activated 


Change the text in the Index display

Altering the intro on Index Listings (where your links are displayed).

  1. Go to the exhibition page you want to change.
  2. Select the menu item ‘Metadata’  > Page Description, alter the text in the edit window.


Change and exhibition name.

  1. Go to the exhibition page you want to change. Change the "Display Name"

Page Name: This a unique name in your website (no two page can be the same). It is part of the page address (URL) which can be used to find the page and to create links to it.

If the name is changed anything linked to it will be broken and an error message will be displayed.

Do not make page headings using icons which may corrupt the page URL e.g. %#@

eg: Water Works Exhibition

Display Name: The name that will be displayed in the 'menu' or the 'title' that is posted as a news item or exhibition.

 You can change this Page name as the timeline of the exhibition changes.

eg: Call for entries to the Water Works Exhibition


Change or add sponsors to the Give and Support page

  1. Go to the page /Give & Support
  2. Select: Top content
  3. Select: View/Source code
  4. Find the place where you want to place your new logo and copy. Paste the code above or below it.


<div class="col-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4">
<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img loading="lazy" src="//" width="199" height="70" class="img-responsive  img-fluid" alt="" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"></a></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 0.8em;"></span><span style="font-size: 0.8em;"><strong>35 Victoria Street, Wellington</span></strong></p>


  1. SAVE
  2. In the edit window...
    Select and replace the logo for a new one.
    Select and replace text and links for new links or text. 


Let me know how you get on. Be careful to use clean text and not copy code from other sites and programmes.




Page images on social media

Under the menu item: Social Networks > Choose file > Upload Image to your page.

If you post your page url on social media, the uploaded image should appear and link to your page.

Page images will be placed in the <head> of your page, saved as a PNG and link to the HTML tag <link rel="image_src" />.

Image requirements click here

  • The minimum allowed image dimension is 200 x 200 pixels.
  • The size of the image file must not exceed 8 MB.
  • Use images that are at least 1200 x 630 pixels for the best display on high resolution devices. At the minimum, you should use images that are 600 x 315 pixels to display link page posts with larger images.
  • Try to keep your images as close to 1.91:1 aspect ratio as possible to display the full image in Feed without any cropping.


If the image doesn't appear correctly on Facebook

Requested a Facebook rescan using this link:  Sharing Debugger - Meta for Developers (


Copy to appear on social media posts

Fill out your Page Description in under Metadata


See here for more info on how do stuff



Sponsoring business partners

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